Crawfish Omelet
1 Tbsp butter 6 oz. crawfish tailmeat
14-15 oz. can stewed tomatoes 4 beaten eggs
6 oz. can tomato paste 4 Tbsp heavy cream
1/2 chopped bell pepper salt & pepper to taste
1/4 cup chopped parsley 2 Tbsp butter

Heat 1 Tbsp butter, tomatoes, tomato paste, bell pepper and parsley in saucepan.  Add crawfish tailmeat and cook for 20 minutes.  In separate bowl, combine eggs, cream, salt and pepper; mix well.  Melt 2 Tbsp butter in frying pan on low fire.  Pour egg mixture into frying pan.  When egg mixture starts to set, pour crawfish and tomato mixture on half of egg mixture.  Fold other half over the crawfish.  Cook another 45 seconds then remove from pan and serve immediately.

    A page of recipes is provided with your crawfish order.